Not dead, relocated!

June 6, 2011
I've decided to move my blogging over to, from now on. I'll keep this page open, though, but pretty much ignore it.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Do You Want My Vote?

I know that every candidate, in every election of 2011 and 2012, will discuss the problems with governmental spending, but I also want to hear about how we will change the current Federal tax system to a more simple format. We need a system of taxation which does not allow circumvention via loopholes and does not allow promises of "breaks" for promises of votes, but does bring jobs and prosperity back to the United States.

The Fair Tax is that system and during the electoral processes the candidates that stand out for me will be those that support, and not just pay lip service to, it.

These will be the people who will earn my vote.